Tuesday, August 29, 2006

From Guest Blogger Wes Fikes:

God tells us He is our Father. As I grew up, that was great to hear, but I have a dad and he's a good one. So, honestly, that designation God was using to tell me about Himself really had no value for me. Until December 13, 2005. On that day, I became a father myself. I had never before understood, never before experienced having my own son. In my mind I imagined how much fun it would be to be a dad, but I had no idea what was in store.

I had no idea that when I looked at my son, I would want him to love me as much as I love him. I had no idea that when I looked at my son, I would want him to WANT to be around me. I had no idea that when I looked at my son, I would realize I have no real control over that. That is when I understood what God means by calling himself my Father.

My son's name is Samuel Austin. I love him. I understand so many things I only smiled at before - being so proud of Sam that I want to hold him up everywhere I go so everyone can see him; wanting to spend all day with him so I don't miss anything he does whether it is new or something he's done fifty times already; listening to his breathing while he's asleep at 3 in the morning. I didn't get that before. I do now.

I know how God feels when He looks at me. He wants to hold me up for everyone to see and say, "Look at my son! His name is Wes! I love him!" That's it, isn't it? That makes me feel so good: to imagine myself in Sam's place, little and squirmy, and getting embarrassed and tucking my head onto my Daddy's shoulder.

And I'd hold Sam all day, if he'd let me. But, he won't, so I put him down so he can play and explore the world I brought him into. Again, I see my Father God. He wants me close, but also loves to see me out enjoying who it is He made me to be. In my case, Sam and I are quite alike - we both like to explore and see what's out there. If I'm not careful, Sam will crawl out of the living room and go check out some other room - without telling me! I call his name, he turns and looks at me and comes crawling back with a big smile on his face. I'm smitten! When he hits my arms and laughs or makes his own special faces that only he makes, I'm lost, gone. I'm all over him with kisses and tickles and hugs and wrestling.

I want to feel him close to me, using me for his protection and security. I want to feel him relying on my strength to protect him, even from himself when he doesn't realize what he's about to get into. I want to be his daddy. And I get it, now. That's what God means when He says He's my Father. He is all those things and everything else that it means to be a Dad. I love you, Father, and I am excited to be Your son!

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