Saturday, September 23, 2006

Taking Tulsa for Christ!
High School Mission Trip 2006 – Tulsa, OK
by Dennis Jaeger
“God has conquered the world, Tulsa should not be a problem.” These words, sent to us by Bill and Maureen Graham, echoed in the hearts and on the lips of our youth as we journeyed to Tulsa, OK in order to serve alongside Contact Church of Christ, Tulsa’s inner-city church. As we walked through the doors of Contact for the first time, our group of 40 was deemed an army - and our youth proved this calling true as they stormed Tulsa with the love of Christ.
Our teens conducted a VBS for 3 different government housing apartment complexes. Despite the 100+ degree heat, I have never seen a group more energized and share more love with children than this one. Many of our youth have grown up on the receiving end of youth groups from across the country coming here for their mission trip. It’s so exciting to see them step-up and be the mission group. Their “impact” on the Tulsa children was evident from the joyous smiles, laughter, hugs, and sad questions of “when are you coming back” that filled the air all week long. The lessons taught and the lessons learned will be eternal. God has conquered the world, and – thanks to Him – Tulsa was not a problem!

“And in Christ you are being built together with his other people. You are being made into a place where God lives through the Spirit.”
-Eph. 2:22 ERV

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