Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Impact Distribution Center Makes the News
by Christine Haas / 11 News
Posted on July 20, 2010 at 5:37 PM
The article and video begin like this:

HOUSTON -- “In a nameless two-story building, barely visible from the daily commute on I-10, Houstonians are making a difference in the lives of those in need.
The building houses donated food -- food that provides meals for hungry local families every day.
Anna Castro’s family of five is among those aided by the donations. Castro’s family gets their food in a 50-pound box – a month’s supply of groceries.
And they aren’t alone…..”

The Impact Distribution Center is participating in a program to provide families with children extra food during difficult times.  Close to a thousand have applied at Impact alone.  Until October, trucks will arrive at Impact three Fridays a month to serve a portion of applicants who will receive one 50-lb portion of foods one time each month.  To see the video go to:
Or, read the article entitled, “Houston Food Bank helps local families find their next meals.”

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