The Hot, humid summer days at our campus in downtown Houston are a rollercoaster ride of fun and service. What goes on at Impact during the Summer is credited to God, but we also are thankful for and indebted to the many volunteers and servants who come to combine their efforts in making our Summer Youth Program fantastic! About 15 college students arrived from various universities to spend the summer as interns. Many are from Christian universities, like ACU, Harding, LCU, and OC, while some others came in from OSU and even from so far away as Canada. But the collaboration does not stop there. Helpers came in June to take kids on trips, assist in this Summer’s Reading Camp, and provide extra hands for special activities as various church groups are there to bear the load of activity. 20-30 High school interns from Impact join the other interns to man the myriad of activities that is VBS 1 and VBS 2. Groups also came to camp out on campus as they lent their groups and various talents to us. Churches and ministries descended upon us from Oklahoma to Kentucky and from Kansas to Alabama, each bringing their own special blend of blessing and talent. Some of these groups have been coming down for years. Others are new supporters, like one group who just happened across our webpage this year, became interested in us, and organized a large group of kids to drive in from Missouri to
..........As we think of Summer, things like baseball, camps, cook-outs, and fun in the sun come to mind. Here at Impact, we wrapped all that up in God’s love.
Monday, June 4, was in many ways our first official day of summer, and as first days usually are
All of this activity (and the God-breathed impact this activity has on the hearts of His children) takes lots of resources, including financial ones. Many of you been great supporters and partners of God’s work in Houston in the past, and we hope and pray that partnership can continue.