Friday, April 04, 2008

An impact high school youth was convicted in his heart to ask his youth minister, Dennis Jaeger, for help after a July summer devotional. God was moving him to be courageous and take a leap of faith. He disclosed to Dennis that he wanted help in reading.
What an amazing step of faith and love! He felt safe to confide in his youth minister of a serious problem that he was willing to take necessary steps to change his course in life.
The impact high school youth is a young man, by the name of Demetrius very sweet and bright person. I have the pleasure of tutoring him one on one for the past few months.
The background of his life academically was of that of many of our Impact kids. They (HISD school system) lack the time, care, and consideration to truly raise life long readers in the HISD school system. He is considered “special needs” by HISD, however; I have assessed him and his performance on reading test does not indicate “special needs” label.
He does have a very mild stuttering problem that can be overcome with a constant reading of books out loud. He has the basic foundational skills of reading.
In tutoring, I challenge him by exposing him to different reading materials and writing activities that requires us to go on reading adventures such as parks & museums.
Demetrius enjoys the opportunity of having someone motivate and encourage him to read.
I am so blessed to have this opportunity to work with him one on one. ~Chevone McKinney

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