Every six weeks or so, we also combine the two services for a large bilingual service where we utilize bilingual members in leading biingual prayers, songs, or readings of the Word of God. Sermons are either translated or presented bilingually.
Visual communication plays an increasingly important role in our time together as we become more and more capable with PowerPoint and Media Shout enhancements in the presentation of songs lyrics, scripture, sermon points, and transitions. Already certain ministers regularly use props, art, and testimonies to enhance their presentations. Posters accompany the current series of lessons.
These are things that we do for edifying the body. They are small details that accompany the main focus: presenting Christ as our Lord! He is the one that can make an Impact in the lives of everyone we serve. We use our tools and our opportunities to reflect His glory, praise His name, and presenting hope found in Christ to a lost and hurting world.
Great uses of Art in worship:
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